Wingfoioing & kitesurfing
season in sri lanka
summer Season
Wingfoiling & Kitesurfing in sri lanka
May - October
Wind speed: 15 - 26 kts
Wind direction: South Westerly - side onshore
Sea: 1.0-2.5m swell with nice breaks on the Kappalady reef
Lagoons: Flat water
Seawater color: Greyish (due to sand drift along the shoreline caused by wind and wave action)
Wind: 24 hours, strongest early morning and evenings and night.
Activities: Wingfoiling / Kitesurfing / Kite Safaris /Standup Paddling / Horse riding

From May to September, the bottleneck topographic conditions between Sri Lanka and India in the Gulf of Mannar develops a venturi effect, where the wind is being accelerated and blows consistently towards the shores of Kalpitiya. If you are a “hard core kiter” or wingfoilier and are looking to kite all day long, the summer wingfoiling and kitesurfing season in Sri Lanka is the period for you to visit. Consistent 24/7 winds allow you extended hours of kitesurfing. During the summer month, Kappalady beach and lagoon turn into the probably windiest kite spots in Sri Lanka as the lagoon is fully exposed to the ocean pocketing undisturbed laminar winds. There are no obstacles and therefore the South West wind blows right
into the knee-deep flatwater lagoon. During the summer wingfoiling & kite season the Kappalady reef piles up some nice 1-2 meter waves in lines parallel to the shore, about 400 meters out. It creates an ideal wave for learners and experts as well. There are no rocks, no dangerous corals and if you get washed, you eventually get blown to the shore as the wind is always on side with the shore. The strong winds attract kitesurfers from across the globe and as a result, the summer season is probably the peak season for kitesurfing in Sri Lanka. Kappalady is therefore considered as the most versatile of all kitespots on the North West coast of Sri Lanka during the summer wingfoiling & kitesurfing season.
winter Season
Wingfoiling & Kitesurfing in sri lanka
December - Marchr
Wind speed: 12 - 22 kts
Wind direction: North Westerly - side onshore
Sea: Flat, small waves only
Lagoon: Flat
Seawater colour: Blue to turquoise
Wind: in the afternoons 1-6pm
Activities: Wingfoiling / Kitesurfing / Kite Safaris / Dolphin Watching / Whale watching / Scuba Diving / Snorkeling / Standup Paddling

The wingfoiling and kitesurfing season in Sri Lanka during the winter months run from mid-December to end of March. The winter season is different from the summer wingfoiling & kitesurfing season in Sri Lanka. The mornings are calmer with a fable northwest offshore breeze. If you are looking for a more laid back adventure, winter kitesurfing season in Sri Lanka would be ideal for you. In the morning you have plenty of time to enjoy the beach, relax, sunbath and for those who want to be active, dolphin & whale watching, stand up paddling on the ocean and in the lagoons and even scuba diving are all possible – especially at Kappalady. Around noon time the thermal effect of Sri Lankas central mountains reaching up to 2300m kicks in and accelerates the light breeze to a steady North West wind averaging around 20 kts. The wind blows throughout the entire afternoon until sunset. If the wind comes straight from a Northerly direction the Kappalady lagoon gets a bit gusty. Then the Kalpitiya lagoon would be you choice.
How to figure out the best time for kitesurfing in Sri Lanka? In the jungle of countless websites and blogs this can be confusing and a bit challenging. Its straight forward though! There are two main kitesurfing seasons in Sri Lanka. The main kitesurfing season in Sri Lanka starts in May and ends at the end of October. During the summer months, steady and strong winds blow from a South-Westerly direction, averaging at 20-30 kts.
The months of June and July see the strongest wind conditions in Sri Lanka where the wind normally blows day and night. During this period, the strong and steady winds stir up the ocean and build up a 3-4ft swell along the South and West coast which fuels the numerous wave spots. However, there are 2 flat water lagoons along Sri Lankas West coast with good conditions for kitesurfing. It is the Kappalady lagoon on the North-West coast and the larger Kalpitiya lagoon just further 15km North. Kappalady lagoon although smaller pockets the much better wind due to its exposition directly facing the ocean and bordered by just a narrow sandbank which lets the wind freely flow into the kite spot. The second kitesurfing season in Sri Lanka is from December to March during the tropical winter. On a typical winter day on Sri Lanka’s North West coast, the morning starts with a faint North-Easterly side off shore breeze, leaving the ocean surface calm, evoking its beautiful turquoise colors. The calm winter mornings invite for scuba diving, snorkeling, plunging into the sea and just enjoying the clear ocean and beach. At midday, when the mountains heat up, the wind direction changes from North-easterly to a North-westerly direction and within minutes pick up in strength, averaging between 16-20 kts. This perfect “kiteable” wind prevails throughout the entire afternoon until just after sunset, when it suddenly dies off and switches direction to North East again. That’s when it is time for a cool sun downer beer on a beach bar around Kappalady lagoon. During the winter kitesurf season in Sri Lanka starting in November and going all the way through end of March, the calm mornings and the winter sun create a turquoise blue ocean, inviting travelers to take part in other various activities such as standup paddle boarding (SUP), swimming, snorkeling and dolphin and whale watching in Sri Lanka.
The island of Sri Lanka is surrounded by a stunning coastline, blessed with countless beautiful beaches, lagoons lined with mangroves, and a plethora of marine wildlife. In the center of Sri Lanka are mountains soaring above the flatlands, dressed in thick, subtropical jungles. A country rich in biodiversity ranging from dry arid areas in the North-West, North and East of the island to humid tropical rainforests in the central and Southern parts of the island. In lowlands and coastal areas, temperatures range from 26-32 degrees Celsius throughout the year. During the winter months slightly cooler and dry winds are blowing from the Indian subcontinent, generating pleasant weather conditions with mostly cloud-free blue skies and chillier nights. Thus, the two kitesurfing seasons in Sri Lanka have varying features, both attractive in their way. For families and couples where only one party is a kite surfer, the winter kite season is the one to be favored.
With nine month of good conditions for kitesurfing, Sri Lanka ranks amongst the top 5 windiest places on earth and can boast about its wind statistics. For the reasons mentioned above, Sri Lanka and especially the North-West coast has become a magnet for kite surfers flocking into Sri Lanka throughout both kitesurfing seasons. Once you land in Sri Lanka is head up northwest along the Coastline towards Kappalady and Kalpitiya. The drive takes 2-3 hours depending on the time of the day and the traffic. For those who are exhausted from a long flight, it would be advisable to stay at
one of the beach hotels in Negombo, which is merely 30 minutes from the airport.
Nowadays, there are plenty of kitesurfing schools in Kappalady and Kalpitiya. One of the best kitesurfing schools in Sri Lanka being Kite Center Sri Lanka, which is located at the famous Kappalady lagoon within the grounds of Elements Beach & Nature Resort. Kappalady is a small fishing hamlet with not one, but two shallow flatwater lagoons. With a quieter surrounding filled with raw, sublime nature, Kappalady village is perfect to get a glimpse of the authentic Sri Lankan life undisturbed by mass tourism.
At Kappalady beach on the West coast we very often enjoy stunning sunset kite sessions right in front of Elements Resort where once back on the shore we enjoy a well-deserved sundowner at the Elements Beach Bar – chatting with fellow kitesurfers and exchanging the highlights of the day. The graphics below illustrate the number of days per month with more than 15 knots wind on average during the winter kitesurfing season in Sri Lanka.